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How Is SEO Split Testing Different from CRO Testing?

There are several differences between conversion rate optimization (CRO) testing and SEO split testing. CRO testing involves altering a single element, such as duplicating a web page or an email. Additionally, this method involves solving for a user in which two versions of a web page or email are being tested. With SEO split testing, a page cannot be duplicated as this would be considered cloaking. Furthermore, this method involves solving for Googlebot and a group of URLs are split into two groups called the control and variant.

Key Takeaways:

  • Conversion rate optimization requires multiple tests overtime, because each test only involves one significant change.
  • By sending traffic to two sites, one with and one without the change, analytics can break down the conversion rates to assess which one performs better.
  • SEO split-testing, although it does involve splitting a group of URLs into control and variant groups, does not involve any duplication.

“In CRO testing (sometimes called CRO user testing or CRO A/B testing), you duplicate a web page or an email, changing one element.”

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