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How to go viral: 9 steps to increase your audience reach

Many social media professionals are tasked with making something go viral. It has become so prominent, that it has become a bit cliche. Based on information from 2016, it is estimated that the odds of something going viral are about one in one million. One way to try and get something to go viral, is to make sure you understand the people you are targeting with your post. You also have to make sure that you are posting at the right time and in the right place.

Key Takeaways:

  • People that work in social marketing understand that trying to have a post go viral shouldn’t be their goal.
  • Based on research from 2016, the odds of a post reaching a viral status are about one in one million.
  • One thing to remember when trying to create a viral post, is that you have to understand who the people are that you’re targeting.

“In fact, it might distract them from reaching their target audience and taking care of their team’s mental health.”

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