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Creating new content vs. optimizing old webpages: Which is better for SEO?

Your website needs to be improved continuously, because the world of digital competition is becoming tougher every day. Optimizing your page for search engines should be the central piece of that initiative. However, marketers face a dilemma where they need to decide how to allocate their resources between updating content that already exists and creation of new stuff. Different people will provide a different answer about this mix, but it is most likely that it is something you need to figure out yourself based on the business you are in.

Key Takeaways:

  • Old content can be relevant and also considered as high quality if it’s relevent to a modern trend.
  • You should divide your webpages into categories such as the pages that get the most traffic and ones that perform poorly.
  • Make sure that you are maintaining your content by splitting up your efforts in regards to old and new content.

“Google may not trust a site where two-thirds of the pages are, say, three years old or older and have outdated information on them. Especially if those topics are being refreshed by your competition.”

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