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How to Ensure That Your Social Media Is Social

The biggest difference between social media and other types of marketing, is the social aspect. Some types of marketing, like a billboard, are just a simple one-way type thing. But social media has an actual social aspect to it. Social media marketing strategies do in fact have measurable results. This can be an increase in the number of leads. Goals and social media strategy are intertwined, and once you have set a goal, you could begin to create a social media strategy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Most people agree that a well-planned social media strategy can bring success to a business.
  • It is important to set a specific goal before creating a social media strategy.
  • A social media account needs to be truly social, and not feel robotic.

“The key to unlocking your social media potential lies in the definition itself; other media types are usually one-way – think of a display ad or even a billboard – while social media is social.”

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