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How To Forecast SEO Outcomes With Better Precision & Accuracy

SEO forecasting is important, so that businesses can predict how much revenue they will have as a result of organic searches. SEO forecasting can help predict other things as well, including how large of a sales team will be needed. The timing of SEO forecasting is important. The ideal time for SEO forecasting is at the three, four, or five month mark of an active campaign. There are two different perspectives that are important when utilizing SEO forecasting – making an assessment of the client’s potential, and evaluating the campaign’s budget and ROIs.

Key Takeaways:

  • SEO forecasting is important, so that people know how much money they’ll get as a result of organic searching.
  • One thing that can be discovered during SEO forecasting, is how large of a sales team someone will need.
  • The timing of SEO forecasting is important, and should be done at either the 3, 4, or 5 month mark of a campaign.

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