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How to Use SERP Features to Inform Your Content Strategy

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There are quite a few ways that you can use Search Engine Result Page features to inform your content strategy. When it comes to content strategy, you want to address any questions that your target audience might have. You also want to go into great detail so that any possible confusion is cleared up. You also should be leveraging statistics and examples that show the value your solution has to the consumer. Finally, make sure that you give all the details of your solution and don’t underestimate how well your audience might understand technical language.

Key Takeaways:

  • When it comes to content strategy you want to remember that your audience doesn’t really know who you are, or what you do, so you need to explain that to them.
  • The consideration stage is when your audience identifies and understands their problems but doesn’t exactly know how to solve it.
  • Make sure that you are trying to build a compelling argument and explain to your audience why your solution is the one that stands out.

“Likewise, this is your chance to develop trust with this new awareness audience. Keeping your content informative and easy to understand helps build trust, illustrating that you care about educating your audience without bogging them down with complex industry jargon or heavy handed branding.”

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