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The Answer to the SEO vs. SEM Debate for E-commerce

The differences between SEO and SEM are that SEMs you are generally going to pay to have traffic come your way. SEO will have to develop strategies and make changes to make sure they get more traffic. Usually going out with these plans are going to be more cost effective than SEMs. If budget is no issue then the best bet is to use SEM’s but if you are tight on money then go with a proper SEO strategy.

Key Takeaways:

  • SEM is much broader than SEO but there are arguments to be made about both being valuable to E-Commerce.
  • Some reasons SEO is better is because you reap the benefits forever and SEM can be more expensive.
  • Some reasons SEM is better is that you get results instantly while SEO takes months.

“Paying search engines to send qualified traffic your way, probably using a pay-per-click mechanism, is Search Engine Marketing (SEM).”

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