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The SEO career path: What it may look like and how to level up

While SEO is an acronym for search engine optimization, people often also use the term to describe the people who work in SEO. In that case, SEO stands for search engine optimizer. Historically, people didn’t plan for careers in SEO. They just kind of ended up there, and they didn’t all come through the same path. But there are some common backgrounds, which include teaching, journalism, and of course, traditional marketing. But now that SEO has been around for so long, and has become so important, some people do focus on building a career in it.

Key Takeaways:

  • An SEO career can begin at an agency, in-house at a company, or as a freelance worker.
  • An entry-level position can pay up to $70K per year, while SEO strategists and managers can earn six figures.
  • To build an SEO career, real-life experience is essential, as is continuing education on the topic.

“Historically speaking, most SEO professionals didn’t plan on SEO as a career – at least until recently”

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