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10 Google Analytics 4 settings to check before the holiday season

If you start configuring GA4 now, you’ll be able to get a year over year comparison of holiday sales for this year, compared to next year. For this year, you don’t actually need GA4 to be able to measure holiday sales, because you can still use Universal Analytics. But by next year, Universal Analytics won’t be actively tracking data anymore. From then on, GA4 will be the only option. GA4 measures the activity on websites in a very different way than Universal Analytics.

Key Takeaways:

  • UA and GA4 don’t track what happens on websites in the same way.
  • There are apps that are marketing themselves as being better for GA4 support.
  • If a business wants to move entirely to GA4, it can be done fairly easily.

“From next year on, the only analytics data you’ll have (from a Google-owned analytics platform, anyway) will be from GA4.”

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