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The business impact of social media: Then and now

Considering how big advertising on social media has become, it’s hard to remember a time when there was no social media advertising. But social media wasn’t always so dominant. Back in 2006, when social media was just beginning, it wasn’t considered a major player in advertising. Advertising money was mostly being spent on Direct Mail, Newspapers, broadcast TV, and cable TV. The internet was in 8th place. It was in 2010 that things started to shift.

Key Takeaways:

  • The use of social media allows brands to create a closer type of connection with consumers, through more targeted ads.
  • By 2010, it was estimated that US advertisers would be spending 6.7% of all online spending on ads on social networks.
  • With the rise of the use of social media ads, advertisers wanted to know how much of an impact they were having, and how much of a return on investment they were getting.

“In the early 2000s, when social media was just beginning to take off with Facebook and YouTube, businesses were still spending much of their marketing budgets on traditional advertising and PR – and they relied on these strategies to drive brand awareness and sales revenue.”

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