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Simple Link Building Tactics to Grow Brand Authority

Even though link building is one of the most important parts of search engine optimization, it is also one of the most challenging. One of the reasons that link building is so important, is that Google looks kindly on backlinks. In knowing how much Google looks for backlinks, people have figured out how to manipulate the algorithm with the use of things like link farms. When creating strategies for link building, one important factor is link flow.

Key Takeaways:

  • When dealing with search engine optimization, one of the hardest, but most important things is link building.
  • Google looks at backlinks as one of the most important things in terms of how authoritative a website is.
  • Thinks like link farms have allowed people to try and manipulate Google’s algorithm.

“As a result, websites must now be creative with how they utilize different strategies that result in a higher volume of backlinks naturally.”

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