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Content Optimization Guide for Higher Rankings

Content is one of the most important factors that determines where websites are ranked. Gone are the days when keyword matching is the only important factor in the rankings of websites. And content optimization has to do with a lot more than just filling a site with keywords. Content optimization is important, because it’s how you get noticed by search engines, and therefore by your target audience. Part of content optimization is making sure that your pages will be easy to read, and easily understood by those who will read them.

Key Takeaways:

  • In order to ensure that your content is properly optimized, make sure to do keyword research.
  • Once you have your keywords, use a keyword map to aid in organizing the content on your website.
  • Your content needs to be concise and well structured so that your page is easy to read.

“Content optimization makes your pages reader-friendly as well. Thus, you create comprehensible content for people who will enjoy it.”

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