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How Often Should I Update On-Page SEO?

SEO is often changing in terms of what works, and the appearance of new algorithms, and how long it takes to get results. This can make it difficult to ever be satisfied with what you’re doing, and not feel like changes should be made. One reason SEO is always evolving is because people change the way they search. Because of this, no matter how great a brand is, there is no way that they can stay at the top of the SERPS without putting effort into it.

Key Takeaways:

  • SEO is always evolving, and it takes a lot of effort to stay on top of the SERPs.
  • The frequency of auditing a page depends on the reason the page was changed.
  • Site Audit and On-Page SEO Checker are two tools that make site audits easier.

“In many ways, the work never ends—there’s always something to tweak and improve—but finding the balance in your workflow is a tough task in itself.”

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