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What Is a Landing Page? How to Create a Landing Page and Why

By definition, a landing page is a single page that tries to entice users to take one particular action. This action may include making a purchase or signing up for the company newsletter. It is important that landing pages are free from almost any potential distractions, as these distractions can swiftly lead the consumer away from your intended goal. Instead, stick to text or graphics that specifically represent what you are trying to motivate the customer to do.

Key Takeaways:

  • The landing page of a website is always created with some type of next purpose in mind – something they want to persuade people to do.
  • The landing page can be found through several means – these include pay per click, social media, or a result from searching.
  • People’s first place that the go to a website can be the landing page or the home page.

“Landing pages, on the other hand, are standalone pages focused on driving conversions.”

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