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How Should You Optimize for Branded Keywords?

Even most novice marketers are familiar with how important optimized keywords are when it comes to being placed in a high-ranking with SERPs (search engine result pages). Branded keywords, however, are also just as vital. The difference between branded keywords and general optimized keywords is that branded keywords are specifically associated with your brand. The need to optimize these keywords further is often unnecessary, as your website is already built around promoting your particular product or service.

Key Takeaways:

  • Anyone familiar with digital marketing understands the importance of optimizing keywords for a specific search.
  • Branded keywords are simply keywords related specifically to your brand.
  • The most important thing you can do to insure that you optimize branded keywords is to mention your brand name in content, tags, and headings throughout your entire site.

“You need to make sure your website is visible, accessible and authoritative in the eyes of people searching for your branded terms.”

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