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How to Create and Use Digital Coupons for Sales Growth

There are many different ways that you can use digital coupons in order to help your sales grow. Coupons are a great way to land new customers as most will be hesitant to try out a new brand. However, when you offer them savings it will motivate them to try something new. Coupons also help to build customer loyalty as you can target them with come back coupons. Finally, coupons can be used to promote new products as well.

Key Takeaways:

  • Coupons can help you get new customers as 39% of customers have purchased a product that they typically wouldn’t because of a coupon.
  • Coupons can help you build up customer loyalty as you can target your customers with come back coupons and promotions.
  • Try to make sure that you have a clear expiration date and a catchy call to action to promote your coupons.

“Coupons help you advertise new products by encouraging both established and new customers to try the product at a discounted price. This is significantly cheaper for your company than funding a full advertising campaign to promote the new product.”

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