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Marketing operations and technology shouldn’t ignore the web

Operations in the marketing segment and proliferation of technology in this space means that automation is becoming an increasing part of marketing strategy and execution. Yet, it seems that there are potential points that could be exploited even further. Systems based on web are not quite neglected, but it seems that their full potential is not fully realized. If nothing else, they are perfect for experimentation and verification of new automation concepts. These programs can be done without breaking the bank and exceeding your marketing budgets.

Key Takeaways:

  • Marketing operations and technology both have vast communities and they don’t ignore web systems either.
  • Websites are more than places to host content, they are very big parts of the customer journey as well.
  • Marketers like to have control and by setting up a website they are able to have more control than they do on other channels.

“Recently Darrell Alfonso, a marketing operations thought leader and MarTech contributor, asked on LinkedIn what people think is the most underrated platform or system in martech.”

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