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Study: Which Link Metric Correlates Closest to Organic Visibility?

Going viral doesn’t have the exact same intensity that it did at one time, but it is still something to get excited about. The important thing, though, is to balance that with relevance. Relevance can be answered by looking at several things. For instance, does the information answer the question that was asked in a search? Does it relate to a client’s product? And does it have the target keywords in it. If you can’t answer yes, then the information probably is not relevant.

Key Takeaways:

  • When looking at digital PR, a term that gets used a lot is relevance.
  • One important thing to consider when talking about relevance, is whether the information answers the question asked about in the search.
  • One question is the importance of relevance compared to things like link volume.

“metrics like Domain Authority and link volume. These two metrics are important, but only provide a portion of the puzzle.”

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