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The 8 Best B2B Content Promotion Tactics for 2022

Marketing directly to other business is certainly presenting unique challenges to marketers. Initiating that first engaging contact can be quite difficult, even though there are many channels you can explore, from publications to website advertising. Despite what business professionals often profess, marketing strategies often work the same for individuals and businesses alike. That is because ultimately, you deal with another person on the other end of your interaction. Therefore, implementing some of the ways that work in consumer centric environment may work quite well in business world.

Key Takeaways:

  • Oftentimes B2B offerings are viewed as less exciting than B2C offerings. This should not mean they are relegated to promoting them at staid trade show events.
  • Social media can work for B2B sites as well. Real people have questions about technical gadgetry and supply chain stuff. They will welcome your input.
  • Use social media to lead the interested to your highly informative blog. Showoff your company and highlight great employees and events.

“That’s because no matter how complex or highly technical the thingmabobs and whawhozits you sell are, the person at the other end of the sale is still a human being, and they probably make decisions and build relationships the same way in their personal life as they do their professional one.”

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