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9 Local Search Developments You Need to Know About from Q3 2022

The third quarter of 2022 has brought new developments in local search. A number of small, review-related developments occurred, such as Google changing some guidelines on prohibited content. HCU (Helpful Content Update) finished its rollout in early September. Also, Google introduced a toggle that can hide your business address. Google Messaging can now be populated with links to up to 10 FAQs. Another change is that filter packs work by days of the week now, not just by hours of the day. There are also new Photo Pins for Google Maps. Two recent presentations worth watching are Aaron Weiche on communication and Andy Simpson on local SEO when opening a new office or branch. Last, Nextdoor held a user vote on favorite businesses, with prizes going to the winners.

Key Takeaways:

  • Prepare for the holidays by making sure your customer service staff is prepared with the answers (and links!) to the most searched questions.
  • A new Q3 development is you can now create 10 FAQs in Google Messaging and include links!
  • Get listed on Nextdoor in order to participate in promotions with awards such as press, badges, and ad credits.

“Finally, another tip from the inimitable Hawkins as tweeted by Brandon Schmidt: longer reviews tend to remain higher up in your Google review corpus for a longer time.”

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