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Digital Marketing Basics for Senior Business Owners

For any business to excel it must have and make readily available to the public a high-quality product or service offering that expertly fills a needed niche. Most real-world businesses do this very well. The problem for these businesses and their online counterparts is often not in their offerings, the quality, availability, or range of options. It more often has to do with promotion. The best quality product in the world will fail to sell and fall flat on its proverbial face without effective marketing that promotes it. Moreover, it’s safe to say, today’s best promoting strategies are digital ones. Sometimes senior business mavens, who may already have a small but stable real-world customer base wish to expand their reach digitally. Yet they are unsure how to make this happen. However, even though these newbies are exploring uncharted waters, there are nonetheless many navigation tools that can assist these intrepid senior business expanders in their quest. There are also some real-world tips that can position them expertly to dive flawlessly into their digital space. For example, joining the local chamber of commerce and getting to know local businesses in and related to their own field is a strong step in the right direction. Once online, seniors can visit the digital counterparts of their new commerce buddies and further the relationships already established online. Options could include posting comments or creating a blog. A good idea might be to offer to guest blog. Seniors should make use of LinkedIn, the premier online business and networking site. Seniors must make sure their website include all the bells and whistles, including a clean and easily navigable and intuitive interface, a great landing and about page, testimonials, calls to action and great, engaging and valuable content to peruse. Of course, for the content to be truly valuable it must resonate with each senior businesses’ core customer. This doesn’t happen by accident. Senior digital promoters must take time to build a profile of the person who desires and uses their product. This will stand them in good stead when they use social media, which they must. With the data that they have generated with their profile exercise they will accurately surmise which sites they should best build on, as well as what to post and when. Seniors need to know that it is not necessary to do any of this alone. There are website designers to fit every category and budget. There are great SEO analytic tools available right online. Customer management software is another option that will save you time and money and streamline your business tactics.

Key Takeaways:

  • Make sure to network with others and use LinkedIn so you can create mutually beneficial relationships.
  • Always pay attention to what your target customers are saying and make adjustments to their wants and needs.
  • Make sure that your website is fully optimized, well organized and has a layout that is easy to use.

“Fortunately, there are many senior-friendly tools to help, and if you implement a few simple principles, you can position your company for long-term success.”

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