Having a good optimized webpage will give you a much better SEO ranking. When you have a good page, people will stay longer which increases the chances of them buying something and increasing loyalty. A good tip to have is to make sure that your page is set up for mobile phones. Overall, having a good user experience will ensure that the people will spread the word about your web page and get more people to go there.

Key Takeaways:

  • Data shows that Google rewards sites with faster load times. So, optimize your webpage for better ranking.
  • Another thing Google looks for and rewards, localized data. Optimize your site for local users.
  • Mobile searches are on the rise. Always ensure that your site and searchability are in synch for mobile users.

“Google ranking factors have always been on an evolving ride and still, it is crucial to optimize for Google or other search engines to maintain a position and domain authority higher.”

Read more: https://w3speedup.com/website-optimization-strategies-for-better-performance/