Many site owners find themselves with ample amounts of traffic without sales reflecting the same buoyancy. A great way to remedy this problem is by conducting user research. Becoming familiar with the demographics and goals of your current traffic will help you better adapt to a sales model that is more appealing to them. Many business owners find that surveys are the best way to go about consumer research. Even asking one simple question such as how the visitor found about about your business can provide some useful insight.

Key Takeaways:

  • Buyer persona is defined as a representation of who your target customer is, but it isn’t necessarily accurate.
  • Buyer persons are created through several means, including demographics and behavior patterns.
  • When user research has been done correctly, your content becomes more meaningful, rather than just being about creating content for the sake of creating content.

“Now, you have thousands of visitors but there’s still one problem: your business is not growing.”

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